Mint Valuation
For most of us, the valuables we own are great repositories of memory, presenting to us a moment in time that cannot be re-lived, only recalled.
A present from a loved one, be it an anniversary gift or a wedding ring, are irreplaceable for the sentimental value they hold. This is why damage to, and loss and theft of, our jewellery can be so painful and why the services provided by Mint Valuation are essential.
Mint Valuation is a professional valuation service headed by Ms Myint-Myint Thein. We have been valuing jewellery across the globe for over 15 years and are well regarded by our clients for our excellence, professionalism, discretion and, at a reasonable price for a variety of clients and auction houses around the world.
Through the large variety of clients we have served, we have gained an acute understand the personal significance of your valuables. At Mint Valuation you can always expect a warm and highly professional service that is sensitive to your needs and circumstances.